Posted by David March 16, 2009 @ 02:39 PM
Rails 2.3 is finally done and out the door. This is one of the most substantial upgrades to Rails in a very long time. A brief rundown of the top hitters:
- Templates: Allows your new skeleton Rails application to be built your way with your default stack of gems, configs, and more.
- Engines: Share reusable application pieces complete with routes that Just Work, models, view paths, and the works.
- Rack: Rails now runs on Rack which gives you access to all the middleware goodness.
- Metal: Write super fast pieces of optimized logic that routes around Action Controller.
- Nested forms: Deal with complex forms so much easier.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve put together a complete guide for the Rails 2.3 release notes with much more information. Be sure to checkout the section on what was deprecated when you’re ready to upgrade your application.
You install 2.3 with (the final version is marked 2.3.2):
gem install rails
If you’re running on Passenger, be sure to upgrade to 2.1.2 as well. Rails 2.3 doesn’t run on older versions of Passenger!
We hope you’ll love it.
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