Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rails 3.0.5 has been released!

 CCH: From Riding Rails Blog

Aaron Patterson showed us some tenderlove this week by releasing Rails 3.0.5. Have a peek at what got updated.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix when gzip returns a UTF-8 string on Ruby 1.9, when it is actually binary. commit
  • Active Record limit values will not escape Arel SQL Literal nodes. commit
  • Relation#where calls will always produce AND statements regardless of how conditions hashes behaves (reverting 00693209ecc).
  • Observer callbacks will only be executed once when using STI classes in ActiveRecord. commit

Deprecations Added:

  • Deprecate Relation#& alias for Relation#merge. commit
  • Deprecated support for interpolated association conditions with the :conditions => ‘foo = #{bar}’ syntax, and added the new interpolation syntax which is :conditions => proc { “foo = #{bar}” }. commit
This is not a complete list of changes. The complete list of changes can be found here

SHA1 Checksums:

  • actionmailer-3.0.5.gem b25750c8126aa21db27d7b0ee829b2e94e525ebc
  • actionpack-3.0.5.gem 0a6f7f9ac2960ff224c913877a2917e1bea80df3
  • activemodel-3.0.5.gem 1556900a7afa1cdcdf4641edbcdd2c24f98bb2de
  • activerecord-3.0.5.gem 33dd05d7362931564f6f15ea7130cc27a5fc09e8
  • activeresource-3.0.5.gem 758f893cbb7ef945c857bf4ca044b94017bdc437
  • activesupport-3.0.5.gem 195fa3f7fa044134703a655cdb906edb515286c4
  • rails-3.0.5.gem 32322bf9952d76c5fa0054c8533c0c58609f40aa
  • railties-3.0.5.gem 3dddf14736dec991c3dbbe2d89495613e72c19c7

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10th June 2010, 19:42