Thursday, February 23, 2017

Using Record_Select with Active_Scaffold

1. Install Paginator

C:\prj4rails\rnd>gem install paginator
Fetching: paginator-1.2.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed paginator-1.2.0
Parsing documentation for paginator-1.2.0
Installing ri documentation for paginator-1.2.0
Done installing documentation for paginator after 2 seconds
1 gem installed

  1. Download from GitHub and unzip into vendor/plugins. (Rails 5 : Add Gem "record_select" in gem file)
  2. Enable and configure it on a controller.
  3. class UsersController < ApplicationController
    record_select :per_page => 5, :search_on => 'username'
end 1. Optional: to use RecordSelect RESTfully, add the following to your routes.rb: map.resources :model_id, :collection => {:browse => :get}, :member => {:select => :post} 1. Now go ahead and use it somewhere.


Let's assume that you have two models, NewsArticles and Authors, and every NewsArticle belongs_to :author. 
Let's assume that your goal is to set up the scaffold for NewsArticles so that the create/update forms use RecordSelect to pick the appropriate Author. To accomplish this using the default intelligence of these two plugins, you need to do two things:
  1. Configure RecordSelect on the AuthorsController.
  2. Configure the NewsArticles scaffold with config.columns[:author].form_ui = :record_select.
  3. If you want to use both RESTfully, combine the configuration in your routes.rb: map.resources :news, :active_scaffold => true, :collection => {:browse => :get}, :member => {:select => :post}
It's important to understand that the relationship between the two models is mirrored between the two controllers. The NewsArticlesController will display a form that calls RecordSelect via /authors/browse. If you want to customize which authors are returned in the result set (e.g. change the number of authors per-page), you need to configure RecordSelect on the AuthorsController.

Advice from Sergio Cambra

1. You are reading a really old web, recordselect is not in google code anymore, 
but README in github is not updated either 

Do not change your layout, don't add record_select_includes, it doesn't exist 
anymore because current way is adding //= require record_select to asset 
Anyway, you don't have to add anything else to your application 
manifest, ActiveScaffold already includes record_select to assets through 
record_select bridge when recordselect gem is installed. 
Q2. ActionView::Template::Error (No route matches {:*action=>"browse"*,

Add record_select_routes to your resources routes:

resources :rootcauses do
concerns :active_scaffold

It will define get browse route on collection

Q3. But its shows as Root Cause:FEATURE, how can I make as FEATURE ?

It uses to_label method in your model, as ActiveScaffold, you can change to_label method in your model. Or setup recordselect to use different method or partial:

Here is some old doc, still applies:

In summary, you can use partials, and set partial name with :label option:

record_select ..., :label => 'partial name'

Or use a proc or lambda:

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