Monday, December 14, 2009

Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 Released on 30th November 2009

CCH : From Riding Rails

Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 Released

Posted by Gregg Pollack November 30, 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Rails 2.3.5 was released over the weekend which provides several bug-fixes and one security fix. It should be fully compatible with all prior 2.3.x releases and can be easily upgraded to with “gem update rails”. The most interesting bits can be summarized in three points.

Improved compatibility with Ruby 1.9
There were a few small bugs preventing full compatibility with Ruby 1.9. However, we wouldn’t be surprised you were already running Rails 2.3.X successfully before these bugs were fixed (they were small).

RailsXss plugin availability
As you may have heard, in Rails 3 we are now automatically escaping all string content in erb (where as before you needed to use “h()” to escape). If you want to have this functionality today you can install Koz’s RailsXss plugin in Rails 2.3.5.

Fixes for the Nokogiri backend for XmlMini
With Rails 2.3 we were given the ability to switch out the default XML parser from REXML to other faster parsers like Nokogiri. There were a few issues with using Nokogiri which are now resolved, so if your application is parsing lots of xml you may want to switch to this faster XML parser.

And that’s the gist of it
Feel free to browse through the commit history if you’d like to see what else has been fixed (but it’s mostly small stuff).

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What's New in Edge Rails - 12th October 2009

CCH : From Riding Rails

So, Edge Rails is still chugging right along. There are new and interesting fixes, changes, and refactors going on all of the time. So, lets take a look at just a few that've gone in since the last post (it's been a while, I know, I'm sorry!).
ActionView and Helpers

XSS escaping is now enabled by default. This means that if you want to explicitly output HTML to your views, you'll probably have to mark it as html_safe! before sending it through.

<%= 'my safe string'.html_safe! %>

Many of the built-in helpers have been updated for this change and if you see an issues with the Rails helpers being incorrectly sanitized, you should create a new ticket.

distance_of_time_in_words has gained 'over', 'about', and 'almost' keywords, thanks to Jay Pignata and John Trupiano. This provides you with an improved level of granularity when approximating the amount time passed. So, instead of just "2 years ago", it can now also report "almost 2 years ago," "about 2 years ago," and "over 2 years ago," depending on the proximity to being exactly 2 years old.

assert_equal "almost 2 years",  distance_of_time_in_words(from, to + 2.years - 3.months +
assert_equal "about 2 years",   distance_of_time_in_words(from, to + 2.years + 3.months -
assert_equal "over 2 years",    distance_of_time_in_words(from, to + 2.years + 3.months +
assert_equal "over 2 years",    distance_of_time_in_words(from, to + 2.years + 9.months -
assert_equal "almost 3 years",  distance_of_time_in_words(from, to + 2.years + 9.months +

The HTML form helper, fields_for - generally used for nesting additional model forms - now allows for explicit collections to be used, thanks to Andrew France. So, instead of just including all of your blog.posts, you should have it only display your published blog.posts, for example. Or:

<% form_for @person, :url => { :action => "update" } do |person_form| %>
  <% person_form.fields_for :projects, @active_projects do |project_fields| %>
    Name: <%= project_fields.text_field :name %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

API Change for content_tag_for: The third argument - being the optional CSS prefix - will now also affect the generated CSS class. This prefix will now be appended to the generated element's CLASS attribute.

<%= content_tag_for(:li, @post, :published) %>
# =>
  • ...

  • ActiveResource and ActiveRecord

    Taryn East has added update_attribute(s) methods to ActiveResource. These methods act very similarly to the ActiveRecord methods we already know and love.

    Building or creating an object through a has_one association that contains conditionals will now automatically append those conditions to the newly created object, thanks to Luciano Panaro.

    class Blog
      has_author :commit_author, :class_name => 'Author', :conditions => {:name => "Luciano Panaro"}

    # => #

    Pratik Naik added a new option to ActiveRecord's accepts_nested_attributes_for to :limit the number of records that are allowed to be processed. Also, while we're covering accepts_nested_attributes_for, José Valim as renamed the _delete option to _destroy to better follow what is actually occurring. A deprecation warning has been added to _delete, for the time being.

    Jacob Burkhart updated the new autosave option in Rails 2.3 to allow for an :autosave => false, which will disallow saving of associated objects, even when they are new_record?s.
    Some Internals

    Previously, CDATA elements could be ignored when converting from XML to a Hash, so now, thanks to John Pignata, Hash#from_xml will now properly parse and include CDATA elements values.

    Josh Peek has relocated global exception handling into ActionDispatch::Rescue. So, this is now being handled at the Rack middleware level.

    And finally, Yehuda Katz and Carl Lerche began work on a Rails::Application object to better encapsulate some of the application start up and configuration details. Also, a good bit of initialization has now gone on to move into this new object.

    Remember, if you prefer to have a shorter audio summary of some of this content and more, you should check out the Ruby5 podcast over at Envy Labs; it's released every Tuesday and Friday with the latest news in the Ruby and Rails community.

    Photo: Clock Tower by Brian Taylor

    Posted in Edge |  17 comments

    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    What's New in Edge Rails ?

    It's been a bit over two weeks since the last WNiER ("winner"?) post and in the time since our last visit, Ruby on Rails 2.3.4 was released to fix some reported security issues. It is important that you try to upgrade your applications as soon as possible, or even just apply the provided patches if a full upgrade isn't easily accomplished in your situation.
    Along with this release, you're also going to see several bug fixes and enhancements to the Rails framework, coming from many contributors, that have been discussed here over the previous weeks and even a few that are mentioned just below.


    Security updates

    Michael Koziarski posted fixes (here and here) for cleaning and verifying multibyte (unicode) strings. The problem was reported by Brian Mastenbrook and Manfred Stienstra provided input for the fix. These changes should disallow malformed unicode strings from getting past the HTML escaping logic provided by the form helpers.
    Coda Hale reported and also added a patch to Rails, fixing a timing attack vulnerability in ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier. Although not likely to be exploited in the wild, the vulnerability may allow an attacker to forge the signatures which encode your application's cookie store. If successfully broken, an attacker could modify their session objects without altering your application to the change.
    There have been some issues reported around the Rails 2.3.4 release, specifically with regard to Ruby 1.9 support. While they have not all yet been fully substantiated, this certainly underscores the importance of having proper test coverage and both a staging and production environment for your applications.


    Down to the metal

    Yehuda Katz and Carl Lerche put in quite a bit of work around ActionController::Metal and Rack's Middleware, recently. ActionController::Metal now acts as a Rack middleware and at the same time, there is a new ActionController::Middleware class that operates as normal Rack middleware.
    And, if that wasn't enough, Yehuda went on to add ActiveModel::Lint. ActiveModel::Lint allows you to determine whether or not an object is compliant with the ActiveModel API, via:
    The output is similar to a Test::Unit output and will indicate with which portions of the ActiveModel API the given object is - or more importantly is not - compliant.
    If Metal is your thing, you may want to take a look at Yehuda Katz's recent blog post, How to Build Sinatra on Rails 3.


    Pour some sugar on me

    Quite a few changes, small and large, occurred around ActiveRecord and friends. Most of these cleaned up some existing functionality, either making it easier to use, perform more closely to what would be expected, or even adding some new features that will soon feel like old friends.
    Taryn East added a little ActiveRecord-like love to ActiveResource. In this patch, ActiveResource received the familiar first, last, and all shortcut methods for wrapping the basic find method.
    Proc and symbol support was added to the validates_numericality_of ActiveRecord validation, by Kane.
    For those of you who use the :anchor option when generating URLs, you may notice that after this patch by Jeffrey Hardy, Rails will now execute the to_param method on the object provided as an :anchor.
        @post       = Post.first
        @comment    = Comment.first
        post_url(@post, :anchor => @comment) # =>
    Well, something similar to that, anyway. :) This updates the :anchor options to follow a similar functionality as the other options provided when generating URLs.
    José Valim cleaned up some bits in the Rails scaffold. The generated new and edit views will now reference a new _form partial. This is a much DRYer way to go about it, and more closely follows what would likely happen if you were to code it yourself. Also, while he was there, he removed a bit of inline CSS (specifically, a green flash message), in favor of a CSS class and updating the default scaffold stylesheet.
    And, probably the most interesting change in this group is the addition of a new ActivRecord#previous_changes method, by Scott Barr. previous_changes allows you to see what changed before the last save in your local ActiveRecord object instance. This is particularly useful when calling after_save methods which might need to know what exactly had changed. I'll let him give you a code sample:
        person          = Person.find_by_name('bob') = 'robert'
      person.changes                        # => {'name' => ['bob, 'robert']}
      person.changes                        # => {}
      person.previous_changes   # => {'name' => ['bob, 'robert']}
      person.previous_changes   # => {}


    Okay, let's do it your way

    While a lot of us prefer US English, we (begrudgingly) recognize that we aren't always the center of the universe. As such, there are some more localization updates to report in Edge Rails:
    Sven Fuchs added localization support to the ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception's error message. Then, Akira Matsuda followed Sven with support for localizing the SELECT tag helper's prompt text (the default being, "Please select").
    Finally, this is certainly a welcome addition and potentially a major player in localization support within Rails: Antonio Tapiador del Dujo added a patch which allows Rails plugins to define and maintain their own locale files. All that is necessary for the plugin developer to do is to provide a config/locales/ directory within their plugin and then create their own .rb or .yml files (i.e. en.yml). That means that plugins can now be much more responsible for their own localization support and do not have to modify the application's locale files after installation.


    Food for thought

    Finally, just a small note that the default, preferred table collation for MySQL has been changed. Previously, Rails defaulted to utf8_general_ci when either the database or the table creation script did not dictate otherwise. Now, that has been changed to utf8_unicode_ci. Certainly worth a note with so many Rails applications using MySQL in their back-end.
    Update: Set the attribution of previous_changes to Scott Barr. Sorry, Scott!

    Sunday, September 6, 2009

    Ubuntu 9.04 : Upgrading from Rails 2.3.3 to Rails 2.3.4

    This is how I have upgraded Rails 2.3.3 to Rails 2.3.4 in Ubuntu 9.04

    chee@ibm4linux:~$ sudo gem install rails
    [sudo] password for chee:
    Successfully installed activesupport-2.3.4
    Successfully installed activerecord-2.3.4
    Successfully installed actionpack-2.3.4
    Successfully installed actionmailer-2.3.4
    Successfully installed activeresource-2.3.4
    Successfully installed rails-2.3.4
    6 gems installed
    Installing ri documentation for activesupport-2.3.4...
    Installing ri documentation for activerecord-2.3.4...
    Installing ri documentation for actionpack-2.3.4...
    Installing ri documentation for actionmailer-2.3.4...
    Installing ri documentation for activeresource-2.3.4...
    Installing ri documentation for rails-2.3.4...
    Installing RDoc documentation for activesupport-2.3.4...
    Installing RDoc documentation for activerecord-2.3.4...
    Installing RDoc documentation for actionpack-2.3.4...
    Installing RDoc documentation for actionmailer-2.3.4...
    Installing RDoc documentation for activeresource-2.3.4...
    Installing RDoc documentation for rails-2.3.4...

    Announcement : Rails 2.3.4 is released on 4th Sept 2009

    The Rails Team has just announced the release of Rails 2.3.4 as follows :-

    We’ve released Ruby on Rails 2.3.4, this release fixes bugs and introduces a few minor features. Due to the inclusion of two security fixes, all users of the 2.3 series are recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.

    Security Fixes

    2.3.4 contains fixes for two security issues which were reported to us. For more details see the security announcements:

    Bug Fixes

    Thanks to the success of the BugMash we have around 100 bug fixes as part of this release. Of particular not is the fix to reloading problems related to rack middleware and rails metals when running in development mode.

    New Features

    • Support for bundling I18n translations in plugins, Rails will now automatically add locale files found in any engine’s locale directory to the I18n.load_path. commit
    • Added db/seeds.rb as a default file for storing seed data for the database. Can be loaded with rake db:seed commit

    Rails Basics : link_to

    It is an almost Rails convention that you should use Ruby code rather than HTML to create links as a mater of style and flexibility via routes.rb

    link_to is an example of a Rails function  for html generation and is typically used to add site-wide navigation. For example,

       <%= link_to('Home',       { :action = 'index'}) %> |
       <%= link_to('About Us', { :action ='about'}) %>

    You may be interested to note that curly braces are optional in hashes where they are the final argument to a function as follows :-

       <%= link_to('About Us',:action ='about') %>

    How does one not link to a page that is currently displayed ?

       <%= link_to_unless_current('Home',       { :action = 'index'}) %> |
       <%= link_to_unless_current('About Us', { :action ='about'}) %>

    Are there other related link_to functions ?

    Rails adheres to a naming convention whereby a group of related functions have related names, usually of the form original_function_name and original_function_name_with_modification

    Let's check to the Rails API via the Rails API Tab in Aptana Radrails or  at and this is what you should find

    • link_to
    • link_to_if
    • link_to_remote
    • link_to_unless
    • link_to_unless_current
    How to display an image inside a link_to

    <%= link_to image_tag("about.gif", :border=>0), :action => 'about' %>

    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Rail Basics : What happens when you script/generate ?

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ script/generate

    Usage: script/generate generator [options] [args]
    Rails Info:
        -v, --version                    Show the Rails version number and quit.
        -h, --help                       Show this help message and quit.
    General Options:
        -p, --pretend                    Run but do not make any changes.
        -f, --force                      Overwrite files that already exist.
        -s, --skip                       Skip files that already exist.
        -q, --quiet                      Suppress normal output.
        -t, --backtrace                  Debugging: show backtrace on errors.
        -c, --svn                        Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path)
        -g, --git                        Modify files with git. (Note: git must be in path)

    Installed Generators
      Plugins (vendor/plugins): authenticated, roles
      Builtin: controller, helper, integration_test, mailer, metal, migration, model, observer, performance_test, plugin, resource, scaffold, session_migration

    More are available at
      1. Download, for example,
      2. Unzip to directory /home/chee/.rails/generators/login
         to use the generator with all your Rails apps
         or to /home/chee/workspace/crm4test/lib/generators/login
         to use with this app only.
      3. Run generate with no arguments for usage information
           script/generate login

    Generator gems are also available:
      1. gem search -r generator
      2. gem install login_generator
      3. script/generate login

    Rails Basics : What happens when you script/generate model ?

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ script/generate model

    Usage: script/generate model ModelName [field:type, field:type]
            --skip-timestamps            Don't add timestamps to the migration file for this model
            --skip-migration             Don't generate a migration file for this model
            --skip-fixture               Don't generation a fixture file for this model
    Rails Info:
        -v, --version                    Show the Rails version number and quit.
        -h, --help                       Show this help message and quit.
    General Options:
        -p, --pretend                    Run but do not make any changes.
        -f, --force                      Overwrite files that already exist.
        -s, --skip                       Skip files that already exist.
        -q, --quiet                      Suppress normal output.
        -t, --backtrace                  Debugging: show backtrace on errors.
        -c, --svn                        Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path)
        -g, --git                        Modify files with git. (Note: git must be in path)

        Stubs out a new model. Pass the model name, either CamelCased or
        under_scored, and an optional list of attribute pairs as arguments.

        Attribute pairs are column_name:sql_type arguments specifying the
        model's attributes. Timestamps are added by default, so you don't have to
        specify them by hand as 'created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime'.

        You don't have to think up every attribute up front, but it helps to
        sketch out a few so you can start working with the model immediately.

        This generates a model class in app/models, a unit test in test/unit,
        a test fixture in test/fixtures/singular_name.yml, and a migration in

        `./script/generate model account`

            creates an Account model, test, fixture, and migration:
                Model:      app/models/account.rb
                Test:       test/unit/account_test.rb
                Fixtures:   test/fixtures/accounts.yml
                Migration:  db/migrate/XXX_add_accounts.rb

        `./script/generate model post title:string body:text published:boolean`

            creates a Post model with a string title, text body, and published flag.

    Monday, August 31, 2009

    Rails Plugins : How to Install role_requirement ?

    Step 1 - Grab role_requirement form

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ script/plugin install git://


    Initialized empty Git repository in /home/chee/workspace/crm4test/vendor/plugins/role_requirement/.git/
    remote: Counting objects: 32, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (30/30), done.
    remote: Total 32 (delta 3), reused 10 (delta 0)
    Unpacking objects: 100% (32/32), done.
    From git://
     * branch            HEAD       -> FETCH_HEAD

    Step 2 - Run the generator

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ script/generate roles Role User

    Generating Role against User
    Added the following to the top of app/models/user.rb:
      # ---------------------------------------
      # The following code has been generated by role_requirement.
      # You may wish to modify it to suit your need
      has_and_belongs_to_many :roles
      # has_role? simply needs to return true or false whether a user has a role or not. 
      # It may be a good idea to have "admin" roles return true always
      def has_role?(role_in_question)
        @_list ||= self.roles.collect(&:name)
        return true if @_list.include?("admin")
        (@_list.include?(role_in_question.to_s) )
      # ---------------------------------------

    Added ApplicationController include to /home/chee/workspace/crm4test/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
    Added RoleRequirement include to /home/chee/workspace/crm4test/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
          create  test/fixtures/roles.yml
          create  app/models/role.rb
          create  lib/role_requirement_system.rb
          create  lib/role_requirement_test_helper.rb
          create  lib/hijacker.rb
          exists  db/migrate
          create  db/migrate/20090831042625_create_roles.rb

    Step 3 - rake db:migrate

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ rake db:migrate
    (in /home/chee/workspace/crm4test)
    ==  CreateRoles: migrating ====================================================
    -- create_table("roles")
       -> 0.0037s
    -- create_table("roles_users", {:id=>false})
       -> 0.0027s
    -- add_index("roles_users", "role_id")
       -> 0.0122s
    -- add_index("roles_users", "user_id")
       -> 0.0016s
    ==  CreateRoles: migrated (0.0229s) ===========================================

    What does the Generators do ?  
    • Only if many roles are used:
      • Generates habtm table, creates role.rb with the habtm declaration. Adds declaration in user.rb (scans the code for "class User < ActiveRecord::Base", and puts the new code right after it.
      • Creates an admin user in users.yml, with a role named admin in roles.yml, including a fixture to demonstrate how to relate roles to users in roles_users.yml
    • Modify the user.rb (or corresponding user model) file, add the instance method has_role?
    • Generates RoleRequirementSystem against for the corresponding user model.
    • Generates a migration to make the necessary database changes
    • Scans ApplicationController, inserts the lines "include AuthenticatedSystem", and "include RoleRequirementSystem", if not already included.
    • Scans test_helper.rb and adds "includes RoleRequirementTestHelpers", if not already included.


    Rails Plugins : How to Install restful_authentication ?

    To use role_requirement, the prerequisite is to install the restful_authentication plugin. These are the 3 steps that I took to achieve a succesful installation.

    Step 1 - Grab the plugin from

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ script/plugin install git://


    Initialized empty Git repository in /home/chee/workspace/crm4test/vendor/plugins/restful-authentication/.git/
    remote: Counting objects: 89, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (77/77), done.
    remote: Total 89 (delta 5), reused 31 (delta 2)
    Unpacking objects: 100% (89/89), done.
    From git://
     * branch            HEAD       -> FETCH_HEAD

    Step 2 - Generate user and sessions controllers

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ script/generate authenticated user sessions

    This is what you will see in the command line editor (in Ubuntu 9.04, a Gnome Terminal Window)

    Ready to generate.
    Once finished, don't forget to:

    - Add routes to these resources. In config/routes.rb, insert routes like:
        map.signup '/signup', :controller => 'users', :action => 'new'
        map.login  '/login',  :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new'
        map.logout '/logout', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'destroy'

    CCH : No need to do so as the latest version automatically includes these routes to routes.rb

    We've create a new site key in config/initializers/site_keys.rb.  If you have existing
    user accounts their passwords will no longer work (see README). As always,
    keep this file safe but don't post it in public.

          exists  app/models/
          exists  app/controllers/
          exists  app/controllers/
          exists  app/helpers/
          create  app/views/sessions
          exists  app/controllers/
          exists  app/helpers/
          create  app/views/users
          exists  config/initializers
          exists  test/functional/
          exists  test/functional/
          exists  test/unit/
          exists  test/fixtures/
          create  app/models/user.rb
          create  app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
          create  app/controllers/users_controller.rb
          create  lib/authenticated_system.rb
          create  lib/authenticated_test_helper.rb
          create  config/initializers/site_keys.rb
          create  test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb
          create  test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
          create  test/unit/user_test.rb
          create  test/fixtures/users.yml
          create  app/helpers/sessions_helper.rb
          create  app/helpers/users_helper.rb
          create  app/views/sessions/new.html.erb
          create  app/views/users/new.html.erb
          create  app/views/users/_user_bar.html.erb
          exists  db/migrate
          create  db/migrate/20090831032706_create_users.rb
           route  map.resource :session
           route  map.resources :users
           route  map.signup '/signup', :controller => 'users', :action => 'new'
           route  map.register '/register', :controller => 'users', :action => 'create'
           route  map.login '/login', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new'
           route  map.logout '/logout', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'destroy'

    Step 3 - Modify the Project Database 

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm4test$ rake db:migrate
    (in /home/chee/workspace/crm4test)
    ==  CreateUsers: migrating ====================================================
    -- create_table("users", {:force=>true})
       -> 0.0074s
    -- add_index(:users, :login, {:unique=>true})
       -> 0.0374s
    ==  CreateUsers: migrated (0.0464s) ===========================================

    You may be interested to look at the contents of the migration file as follows :-

    class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def self.up
        create_table "users", :force => true do |t|
          t.column :login, :string, :limit => 40
          t.column :name, :string, :limit => 100, :default => '', :null => true
          t.column :email, :string, :limit => 100
          t.column :crypted_password,          :string, :limit => 40
          t.column :salt,     :string, :limit => 40
          t.column :created_at,  :datetime
          t.column :updated_at, :datetime
          t.column :remember_token, :string, :limit => 40
          t.column :remember_token_expires_at, :datetime

        add_index :users, :login, :unique => true

      def self.down
        drop_table "users"

    The Generated User & Sessions Controllers


    class UsersController < ApplicationController
      # Be sure to include AuthenticationSystem in Application Controller instead
      include AuthenticatedSystem

      # render new.rhtml
      def new
        @user =

      def create
        @user =[:user])
        success = @user &&
        if success && @user.errors.empty?
                # Protects against session fixation attacks, causes request forgery
          # protection if visitor resubmits an earlier form using back
          # button. Uncomment if you understand the tradeoffs.
          # reset session
          self.current_user = @user # !! now logged in
          flash[:notice] = "Thanks for signing up!  We're sending you an email with your activation code."
          flash[:error]  = "We couldn't set up that account, sorry.  Please try again, or contact an admin (link is above)."
          render :action => 'new'


    # This controller handles the login/logout function of the site. 
    class SessionsController < ApplicationController
      # Be sure to include AuthenticationSystem in Application Controller instead
      include AuthenticatedSystem

      # render new.rhtml
      def new

      def create
        user = User.authenticate(params[:login], params[:password])
        if user
          # Protects against session fixation attacks, causes request forgery
          # protection if user resubmits an earlier form using back
          # button. Uncomment if you understand the tradeoffs.
          # reset_session
          self.current_user = user
          new_cookie_flag = (params[:remember_me] == "1")
          handle_remember_cookie! new_cookie_flag
          flash[:notice] = "Logged in successfully"
          @login       = params[:login]
          @remember_me = params[:remember_me]
          render :action => 'new'

      def destroy
        flash[:notice] = "You have been logged out."

      # Track failed login attempts
      def note_failed_signin
        flash[:error] = "Couldn't log you in as '#{params[:login]}'"
        logger.warn "Failed login for '#{params[:login]}' from #{request.remote_ip} at #{}"

    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    Rail Basics : What happens when you script/generate controller ?

    What do you think will happen if you script/generate controller  ?

    Why wonder, just do it :-)

    If you are using Ubuntu 9.04, just open a Terminal Window and cd to the root of your Rails applications and type script/generate controller -- as follows :-

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm2009$ script/generate controller

    After pressing Enter, this is what you will see.

    Usage: script/generate controller ControllerName [options]
    Rails Info:
        -v, --version                    Show the Rails version number and quit.
        -h, --help                       Show this help message and quit.
    General Options:
        -p, --pretend                    Run but do not make any changes.
        -f, --force                      Overwrite files that already exist.
        -s, --skip                       Skip files that already exist.
        -q, --quiet                      Suppress normal output.
        -t, --backtrace                  Debugging: show backtrace on errors.
        -c, --svn                        Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path)
        -g, --git                        Modify files with git. (Note: git must be in path)

        Stubs out a new controller and its views. Pass the controller name, either
        CamelCased or under_scored, and a list of views as arguments.

        To create a controller within a module, specify the controller name as a
        path like 'parent_module/controller_name'.

        This generates a controller class in app/controllers, view templates in
        app/views/controller_name, a helper class in app/helpers, a functional
        test suite in test/functional and a helper test suite in test/unit/helpers.

        `./script/generate controller CreditCard open debit credit close`

        Credit card controller with URLs like /credit_card/debit.
            Controller:      app/controllers/credit_card_controller.rb
            Functional Test: test/functional/credit_card_controller_test.rb
            Views:           app/views/credit_card/debit.html.erb [...]
            Helper:          app/helpers/credit_card_helper.rb
            Helper Test:     test/unit/helpers/credit_card_helper_test.rb

    Modules Example:
        `./script/generate controller 'admin/credit_card' suspend late_fee`

        Credit card admin controller with URLs /admin/credit_card/suspend.
            Controller:      app/controllers/admin/credit_card_controller.rb
            Functional Test: test/functional/admin/credit_card_controller_test.rb
            Views:           app/views/admin/credit_card/debit.html.erb [...]
            Helper:          app/helpers/admin/credit_card_helper.rb
            Helper Test:     test/unit/helpers/admin/credit_card_helper_test.rb

    Rails Basics : How to Install a Plugin from the Command Line ?

    Although Aptana Radrails and other Rails IDE usually have a Rails Plugin Tab or its equivalent, I personally feel that it easier and more flexible to do so using the Command Line.

    To do so in Ubuntu 9.04, click Applications/Accessories/Terminal to open a terminal window and cd to the root of your Rails Project as follows :-

    chee@ibm4linux:~$ cd workspace
    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace$ cd crm2009

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm2009$ script/plugin install

    To discover the various options available in script/plugin

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm2009$ script/plugin --
    Unknown command:
    Usage: plugin [OPTIONS] command
    Rails plugin manager.
      -r, --root=DIR                   Set an explicit rails app directory.
                                       Default: /home/chee/workspace/crm2009
      -s, --source=URL1,URL2           Use the specified plugin repositories instead of the defaults.
      -v, --verbose                    Turn on verbose output.
      -h, --help                       Show this help message.
      discover   Discover plugin repositories.
      list       List available plugins.
      install    Install plugin(s) from known repositories or URLs.
      update     Update installed plugins.
      remove     Uninstall plugins.
      source     Add a plugin source repository.
      unsource   Remove a plugin repository.
      sources    List currently configured plugin repositories.

      Install a plugin:
        plugin install continuous_builder

      Install a plugin from a subversion URL:
        plugin install

      Install a plugin from a git URL:
        plugin install git://

      Install a plugin and add a svn:externals entry to vendor/plugins
        plugin install -x continuous_builder

      List all available plugins:
        plugin list

      List plugins in the specified repository:
        plugin list --source=

      Discover and prompt to add new repositories:
        plugin discover

      Discover new repositories but just list them, don't add anything:
        plugin discover -l

      Add a new repository to the source list:
        plugin source

      Remove a repository from the source list:
        plugin unsource

      Show currently configured repositories:
        plugin sources

    Saturday, August 29, 2009

    Rails Basics : What is a Model ?

    What is a Model ?

    The Model is the 'M' in the MVC (Model/Views/Controller) concept integral to a Rails application.

    Models should :-
    • Constitute most of your application codes. 
    • Provide  a persistent storage mechanism to your database
    • Define all business logic
    In a nutshell, Models should be the brains that operate on your application's database, determine and change the state of other objects and co-ordinate the overall business logic of your applications.

    Conventions for Models

    Model classes in Rails are all inherited from the ActiveRecord base class ActiveRecord::Base and map one-to-one to a table in your database.

    Residing in the app/models directory, Models should following the following convention :-
    • Only one class per file
    • Class name should be singular and camel-cased eg.Customer or BillNo
    • Corresponding table name should be lowercased, plural and underscored eg. customers or bill_nos
    • Corresponding table must have an auto-incrementing integer field called id
    • Column names shoudl also be lowercased
    • Model filename should be lowercased and underscored version of the class name eg. customer.rb or bill_no.rb
    To represent the relationship between tables and columns in your application, ActiveRecord provides the following set of methods called associations :-
    • has_many represents a zero-to-many relationship between the Parent & Child Class
    • belongs_to is the reciprocal child method to parent has_many method
    • has_one  is like a belongs_to and represents a one-to-one relationship in your database

    More to come...

    Friday, August 28, 2009

    Rails Basics : What is a Controller ?

    What is a Controller ?

    The Controller is an integral component of the MVC (Model/View/Controller) concept that is central to Rails. Controllers are normal Ruby classes that inherit from ActionController:Base or more frequently the generated ApplicationController Class

    Controllers have public action methods that can be called from the dispatcher as well as their own protected and private methods. Typically, action methods follow this pattern :-
    • Manipulate the domain model in some way
    • Refers to the response format requested by the user
    • Generate a response in the correct form by rendering a view template
    Controllers are more closely linked to Views than Models in that you can work on a Model in your application before even creating a Controller. That is why script/generate controller will also automatically create helpers and views folders but not a model folder as follows :-

    script/generate controller Concepts
          exists  app/controllers/
          exists  app/helpers/
          create  app/views/concepts
          exists  test/functional/
          exists  test/unit/helpers/
          create  app/controllers/concepts_controller.rb
          create  test/functional/concepts_controller_test.rb
          create  app/helpers/concepts_helper.rb
          create  test/unit/helpers/concepts_helper_test.rb

    As such, you should remove all Business Logic from your Controllers and put in the corresponding Model.

    So what does the Controllers in your Rails application  do ?

    Well, your controllers are only responsible for mapping between URLs, co-ordinating with your Models and your Views and channeling back to a HTTP response. In addition, it may do Access Control as well.

    Basically, when someone connects to your Rails Application via an URL, they are ly asking your Application to execute a Controller Action. Typically, action methods follow this pattern :-
    • Interact with the domain model in some way such as selecting, inserting or updating data based on incoming parameters or using one or more classes form the app/model directory
    • Generate a response by rendering a view template with the same name as the action method
    Controller Conventions
    As you may be aware, Rails works magically so long as you adhere to the all important concepl of Convention over Configuration. In this respect Controller Conventions include :-

    a)  The Controller's class name should be camel cased and pluralised and be followed by the word controller. eg.CustomersControllers or BillNosControllers

    b)  Similar to Models, the controller filename should be lowercased and underscored versions of the class name. eg. customers_controllers.rb or bill_nos_controllers.rb

    c)  An action is a Public Method of a controller class. For example
    • index
    • show
    • new
    • create
    • edit
    • update
    • destroy 
    BTW, the above-mentioned actions are RESTful Rails actions. Each one of these methods connects the data in the Model layer to what you allow the user to see.

    What is fascinating is that unless explicitly told to do , Rails will render the views with the same name as the actions!

    How to remove a controller and all previously generated files ?

    chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm2009$ script/destroy controller concepts
              rm  test/unit/helpers/concepts_helper_test.rb
              rm  app/helpers/concepts_helper.rb
              rm  test/functional/concepts_controller_test.rb
              rm  app/controllers/concepts_controller.rb
        notempty  test/unit/helpers
        notempty  test/unit
        notempty  test
        notempty  test/functional
        notempty  test
           rmdir  app/views/concepts
        notempty  app/views
        notempty  app
        notempty  app/helpers
        notempty  app
        notempty  app/controllers
        notempty  app

    Sunday, August 23, 2009

    Rails IDE : Installing Aptana Radrails 1.30 into Eclipse Galileo

    For Radrail users who would like to use it within Eclipse Galileo, you may want to follow this simple tutorial :-

    1. Download Eclipse 3.50 aka Galileo

    2. Launch Eclipse

    3. Click Help/Install Software

    4. Install Aptana Studio 1.5 as a plug into Eclipse

    5. Install Aptana Radrails via Aptana Studio

    6. Open Aptana Radrails Perspective via Windows/Open Perspective/Others

    7. After opening a Rails Project

    Migration : Migrating an Application from Rails 1.2.5 to Rails 2.3.3

    Since Nov 2007, I had a Rails 1.2 e-CRM application running on Windows Server 2003 and powered by Apache 2 and a pack of Mongrels web servers.

    A couple of weeks ago, I discovered Ubuntu 9.04 and decided to migrate the e-CRM to Rails 2.3.3 running on Ubuntu 9.04.

    What have I achieved thus far ?

    1. Installing Rails 2.3.3 on Ubuntu 9.04
    2. Installing Mongrel, Capistrano, Passenger and Apache on Ubuntu 9.04.
    3. Installing Aptana Radrails on Ubuntu 9.04
    4. Since Aptana Radrails was slow, I then installed Eclipse Ganymade (3.4.2) and managed to install the latest Aptana Radrails .1.30 as a plugin to Eclipse

    When I attempted to run e-CRM on Rails 1.2, I ran into a number of incompatibilities including the need to update the following Rails Plugins

    1. active_scaffold
    2. active_scaffold_export
    3. active_scaffold_tools (still unable to get a version compatible with Rails 2.3.3)
    4. role_requirement
    5. use restful_authentication instead of acts_as_authenticated
    6. record_select
    7. acts_as_audited

    Then after wasting a couple of days, I discovered that Ubunti 9.04 being a Linux distro is case-sensitive and I had to pay attention to renaming the images files in the public\images folder.

    Also, I used this script (command line) to auto-convert my rhtml files to html.erb as recommended for Rails 2.x

    for f in $(find . -name '*.rhtml') ; do c=$(dirname $f)/$(basename $f .rhtml).html.erb ; mv $f $c ; done

    Why the need to change rhtml to html.erb ?

    Apparently in Rails 2.x, it’s been revealed that the .rhtml and .rxml file extensions will be deprecated in favor of .erb and .builder, respectively.
    Why such a change – well, .rhtml files are not strictly html files. They are generic embedded ruby files that can be used for email templates, csv files, vcards etc… .erb is just a more generic, accurate extension for the file type. The same goes for .rxml – it can be used for more than just xml files. Think of all the rss feeds you’ve written with rxml files. Now you can stop being tied down by the limited .rxml file extension and can start using .builder.
    FYI, the ‘old’ extensions won’t be fully deprecated until Rails 3.0.

    BTW, this site was also useful reference in my quest to upgrade from Rails 1.2 to 2.3.3

    Some additional plugins needed by active_scaffold include

    a) in_place_editing - git://
    b) render_component

    More to come...

    Saturday, August 22, 2009

    Rails IDE: Can Radrails be installed into Eclipse ? {Updated 30th August 2009]

    I would answer Yes and No this question :-)

    Yes, you can install Radrails directly to Eclipse (I use Eclipse Ganymade aka 3.4.2) but you ended up with the obsolete 0.72 version :-(

    To install the latest 1.30 developed by Aptana and known as Aptana radrails, I was forced to install Aptana Studio and then Install Aptana Radrails

    Still, the effort was worth it as the loading time for Eclipse Ganymade SDK version + Aptana Radrails loads much faster and runs faster than Aptana 1.51 Studio + Aptana Radrails.

    BTW, take a look at my actual experience in installing Aptana Radrails into Eclipse Galileo aka 3.50

    Wednesday, August 19, 2009

    Advanced Rails : How do you create a New Database from schema.db ?

    1. Select your Project

    2. Edit config\database.yml
    database: SourceDatabaseName

    3. Delete schema.db

    4. Right-click and select Rake\db\schema\load which basically the same as typing into the Rails Shell

    5. Edit config\database.yml
    database: ProjectDatabaseName

    Nb. Assume that you had already create an empty database for your project

    6. rake db:schema:load

    That's it, when you check your project database, it is already populated with the Source Schema.

    Tuesday, August 18, 2009

    Rails IDE: Programming a Rails Project Using Aptana Radrails (Updated 11th Jan 2017)

    Update on 11/1/17 : Aptana Rdrails does not work with Rails 5

    Here are the steps that I took when programming a RoR project using Aptana Rails 1.5 on Ubuntu 9.04

    1. Use MySQL Administrator to create a new database crm2009
    2. Use Aptana Radrails(defaulted to Radrails perspective) to create new project via
    a) File
    b) New
    c) Rails Project
    and the standard Rail Page was launched apparently without any error

    d) Checked Console and found the folowing error message
    /!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Tue Aug 18 18:03:01 +0800 2009
    Status: 500 Internal Server Error
    Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

    3. Edited config\database.yml to put in mysql password and the problem went away

    Installing Rails Plugin

    The problem with Aptana Radrails is that being Eclippse 3.2-based, it does not support installing from the github although using the Rails Plugin Tab works with svn. Worst still, using console script/plugin install also does not work :-(

    So what's the workaround ?

    Opening a Terminal Window, i was force to type
    git clone to download to

    In this manner, I installed restul_authentication,role_requirement,acts_as_audited,active_scaffold etc

    Then, I selected vendor\plugins and right-clicked to Refresh and the desired plugins are now in the Ruby Explorer

    Installing restful_authentication
    a) Select Generate Tab
    b) Select authenticated
    c)Type user session in parameters
    d) Click OK

    In the Console, we can see this

    script/generate authenticated user sessions
    Ready to generate.
    Once finished, don't forget to:

    - Add routes to these resources. In config/routes.rb, insert routes like:
    map.signup '/signup', :controller => 'users', :action => 'new'
    map.login '/login', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new'
    map.logout '/logout', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'destroy'


    We've create a new site key in config/initializers/site_keys.rb. If you have existing
    user accounts their passwords will no longer work (see README). As always,
    keep this file safe but don't post it in public.

    exists app/models/
    exists app/controllers/
    exists app/controllers/
    exists app/helpers/
    create app/views/sessions
    exists app/controllers/
    exists app/helpers/
    create app/views/users
    exists config/initializers
    exists test/functional/
    exists test/functional/
    exists test/unit/
    exists test/fixtures/
    create app/models/user.rb
    create app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
    create app/controllers/users_controller.rb
    create lib/authenticated_system.rb
    create lib/authenticated_test_helper.rb
    create config/initializers/site_keys.rb
    create test/functional/sessions_controller_test.rb
    create test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
    create test/unit/user_test.rb
    create test/fixtures/users.yml
    create app/helpers/sessions_helper.rb
    create app/helpers/users_helper.rb
    create app/views/sessions/new.html.erb
    create app/views/users/new.html.erb
    create app/views/users/_user_bar.html.erb
    create db/migrate
    create db/migrate/20090818114130_create_users.rb
    route map.resource :session
    route map.resources :users
    route map.signup '/signup', :controller => 'users', :action => 'new'
    route map.register '/register', :controller => 'users', :action => 'create'
    route map.login '/login', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new'
    route map.logout '/logout', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'destroy'

    Then, select db/migrate/yymmddhhmmss_create_users.rb
    Right-click, select Rake/db/migrate and hit enter an in the Rails Console

    rake db:migrate
    == CreateUsers: migrating ====================================================
    -- create_table("users", {:force=>true})
    -> 0.0108s
    -- add_index(:users, :login, {:unique=>true})
    -> 0.0122s
    == CreateUsers: migrated (0.0246s) ===========================================


    script/generate mailer user
    exists app/models/
    create app/views/user
    exists test/unit/
    create test/fixtures/user
    overwrite app/models/user.rb? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] Y
    force app/models/user.rb
    overwrite test/unit/user_test.rb? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] Y
    force test/unit/user_test.rb

    Installing role_requirement

    script/generate roles Role User
    Generating Role against User
    Added the following to the top of app/models/user.rb:

    # ---------------------------------------
    # The following code has been generated by role_requirement.
    # You may wish to modify it to suit your need
    has_and_belongs_to_many :roles

    # has_role? simply needs to return true or false whether a user has a role or not.
    # It may be a good idea to have "admin" roles return true always
    def has_role?(role_in_question)
    @_list ||= self.roles.collect(&:name)
    return true if @_list.include?("admin")
    (@_list.include?(role_in_question.to_s) )
    # ---------------------------------------

    Added ApplicationController include to /home/chee/Aptana Studio Workspace/crm2009/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
    Added RoleRequirement include to /home/chee/Aptana Studio Workspace/crm2009/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
    create test/fixtures/roles.yml
    create app/models/role.rb
    create lib/role_requirement_system.rb
    create lib/role_requirement_test_helper.rb
    create lib/hijacker.rb
    exists db/migrate
    create db/migrate/20090818131928_create_roles.rb

    Then, select db/migrate/yymmddhhmmss_create_roles.rb
    Right-click, select Rake/db/migrate and hit enter an in the Rails Console

    rake db:migrate
    == CreateRoles: migrating ====================================================
    -- create_table("roles")
    -> 0.0652s
    -- create_table("roles_users", {:id=>false})
    -> 0.0066s
    -- add_index("roles_users", "role_id")
    -> 0.0123s
    -- add_index("roles_users", "user_id")
    -> 0.0486s
    == CreateRoles: migrated (0.1342s) ===========================================


    More to come...

    Monday, August 17, 2009

    Announcements : Latest Rails version 2.3.3 Released on 20th July 2009

    Rails 2.3.3: Touching, faster JSON, bug fixes

    Posted by David July 20, 2009 @ 05:28 PM
    We’ve released Ruby on Rails version 2.3.3. This release fixes a lot of bugs and introduces a handful of new features.

    Active Record

    • touch is a convenient method to update a record’s timestamp and nothing else. This is extracted from apps whose models “touch” others when they change, such as a comment updating the parent.replies_changed_at timestamp after save and destroy. Timestamping an entire has_many association makes it easy to build a key for fragment caching that covers changes to the parent object and any of its children. This pattern is wrapped up as belongs_to :parent, :touch => :replies_changed_at. When the child changes, parent.replies_changed_at is touched. :touch => true is defaults to :touch => :updated_at.
    • :primary_key option for belongs_to for broader support of legacy schemas and those using a separate UUID primary key: belongs_to :employee, :primary_key => 'SSN', :foreign_key => 'EMPID' changeset


    • decoding backends for the json and yajl libraries. Both are significantly faster than the default YAML backend. To get started, install the json gem and set ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = 'JSONGem'.
    • leaner user-facing encoding API. Since a JSON libraries implement to_json with varying compatibility, safely overriding it is difficult. Most custom to_json looks like

      def to_json(*encoder_specific_args)
      { :some => "json representation" }.to_json(*encoder_specific_args)
      so we DRYed the user-facing API down to a more natural

      def as_json(options = {})
      { :some => "json representation" }
      without the ugly internal state exposed by overloading to_json as both public-facing and internal builder API. Rails 3 splits the API explicitly, so prepare now by switching from to_json to as_json.

    Other Features

    • Add :concat option to asset tag helpers to force concatenation. changeset
    • Restore backwards compatibility for AR::Base#to_xml. changeset
    • Move from BlueCloth to Markdown for the markdown helper. Users using BlueCloth to provide their markdown functionality should upgrade to version 1.0.1 or 2.0.5 in order to restore compatibility.

    Notable Bug Fixes

    • Fix errors caused by class-reloading with streaming responses in development mode.
    • Several fixes to the gem bundling, unpacking and installing system.
    • Make text_area_tag escape contents by default.
    • Make filter_parameters work correctly with array parameters.
    • Thread-safety fixes for postgresql string quoting.
    • Performance fixes for large response bodies.

    Ubuntu 9.04 : How to Clone a Remote git Repository ?

    What I did was :-

    1. Installed git in Ubuntu 8.04
    2. Launch a Terminal Window
    3. cd to MyRailsProject\vendor\plugins
    4. clone git

    Sunday, August 16, 2009

    Rails IDE : How to Install a Plugin in Aptana RadRails Professional ?

    My last project using RoR was completed in Nov 2007 on a Windows 2003 Server and it has been functioning perfectly 24x7x365 till todate

    Having installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a dated IBM R40e (1G RAM & 75G HDD), I had earlier
    a) Installed Ruby on Rails
    b) Installed Aptana Studio 1.5 (based on Eclipse 3.2) and found that it needed Sun JRE
    c) Installed Sun JRE via Ubuntu's Terminal
    d) Installed the RADRails Plugin into Aptana Studio 1.5
    e) I then defaulted Aptana Studio to the RadRails Perspective

    Since ActiveScaffold was intensively used, I naturally downloaded it and was at a loss as how to install it :-( Then, I remembered that there was a Plugins Tab which should be visible but it wasn;t there :-(

    With a bit of exploring Aptana, I click Window/Show View and clicked Rails Plugin and bingo, the Rails Plugin Tab became visible. It was a breeze after that :-(

    Saturday, August 15, 2009

    Ubuntu 9.04 : How to Install Ruby on Rails 2.3.3 [15th August 2009]

    CCH : These are the steps that I took to install Ruby on Rails to an IBM Thinkpad with 1G RAM and a 75G Hard Disk and installed with Ubuntu 9.04.

    Ruby installation

    Firstly, I clicked Applications/Accessories/Terminal to launch the Terminal and typed the following command to update the repositories.
    sudo apt-get update
    next, to upgrade the system :-

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    The installation took afew minutes and also required approximately 100 MB disk space.
    On succesful updating, I started to install Rails.
    sudo apt-get install ruby ri rdoc irb libopenssl-ruby ruby-dev

    Note : Rails prerequisites include :-
    ruby = An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
    ri = Ruby Interactive reference
    rdoc = Generate documentation from ruby source files
    irb = Interactive Ruby

    Ruby Gem installation

    Next, I started to install the Ruby gem package manager by firstly downloading ad the latest Ruby gems .35 via the following link.

    Download and extract the files.
    tar xvzf rubygems-1.3.5.tgz
    cd rubygems-1.3.5
    sudo ruby setup.rb

    I then deleted the .tgz file and rubygems directory.
    cd ..
    rm -r rubygems-1.3.5 rubygems-1.3.5.tgz

    Next, I set out to create a set of simlinks. Otherwise it will be a tedious task to type commands with the version (1.8). For an example if we need to call the gem command we’ve to type gem1.8.

    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/local/bin/gem
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.8 /usr/local/bin/ruby
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/rdoc1.8 /usr/local/bin/rdoc
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ri1.8 /usr/local/bin/ri
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/irb1.8 /usr/local/bin/irb

    Rails Installation

    I then installed Rails using gem.
    sudo gem install rails

    Server Installation

    FYI, Rails by default comes with the WEBrick server. But like most Rails developers, I prefer the Mongrel server and typed the following command to install Mongrel server as well as passenger 2.2.4 and capistrano 2.5.8 for deployemnt purposes

    sudo gem install mongrel passenger capistrano
    TIP : If you got any error while installing the Mongrel server, install the ruby-dev / ruby1.8-dev and try again.
    sudo apt-get install ruby-dev
    Database Installation
    Rails 2.3 shipped with SQLite3 as it’s default database instead of MySQL. You can install SQLite3 libraries by following commands.
    sudo apt-get install sqlite3 swig libsqlite3-ruby libsqlite3-dev
    sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
    Since I prefer MySQL,
    sudo apt-get install mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev
    sudo gem install mysql

    Create Ruby on Rails App

    With no error mesages, I proceeded to create a new Ruby on Rail application by following command :-

    rails test_app
    As I needed MySQL support, I typed :

    rails test-app -d mysql

    Run the app

    cd test_app
    I then point FireFox to http://localhost:3000
    and bingo I succeeded in launching my first RoR apps on Ubuntu :-)

    Ubuntu 9.04 : How to use the Terminal ?

    Finally, after my last foray (in 2007) into developing RoR applications in Windows, I finally decided to do so in Linux.

    Would you believe it, it took a retiree who loves to try out new operating systems to convince me to try out Ubuntu 9.04 ? He actually prefers Mandriva Spring 2009 :-)

    So using my usual modus operandi, I googled for 'How to install ruby and ruby on rails on ubuntu 9.04" and got

    Let's see what are the steps

    Ruby installation

    First we need to update the repositories.
    sudo apt-get update

    Er... what's sudo and more importantly where do I type it ?

    Did a further search and came across something called the Terminal and landed on

    which says :-
    "Under Linux there are GUIs (graphical user interfaces), where you can point and click and drag, and hopefully get work done without first reading lots of documentation. The traditional Unix environment is a CLI (command line interface), where you type commands to tell the computer what to do. That is faster and more powerful, but requires finding out what the commands are."
    -- from man intro(1)
    For some tasks, especially things like system configuration, it makes sense to use the terminal, and you'll probably have seen instructions on help pages or forums similar to:
    sudo gobbledegook blah_blah -w -t -f aWkward/ComBinationOf/mixedCase/underscores_strokes/and.dots

    It is often assumed that you know how to use the terminal - and anyone can manage typing and backspacing. But there are some crafty shortcuts which can make your life a lot easier:
    • How to move around in a terminal window and edit the text that you type there.
    • Some Linux commands for basic tasks.
    • Different ways to open a terminal, how to work with multiple terminals, etc.

    Using this page

    • This page will help familiarize you with basic GNU/Linux shell commands.
    • It is not intended to be a complete guide to the command line, just an introduction to complement Ubuntu's graphical tools.

    • All command names will be in bold.

    • Commands needing to be typed will be in "bold with quotes".
    • All of the commands on this page are to be issued from a command prompt in a terminal.

    • Note that the terminal is case sensitive. User, user, and USER are all different to Linux.

    Starting a Terminal

    In Gnome (Ubuntu)

    The terminal can be found at Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal.

    In Xfce (Xubuntu)

    The terminal can be found at Applications menu -> System -> Terminal.

    In KDE (Kubuntu)

    The terminal can be found at KMenu -> System -> Terminal Program (Konsole).


    sudo: Executing Commands with Elevated Privileges

    • Most of the following commands will need to be prefaced with the sudo command if you will be working with directories or files not owned by your account. This is a special command which temporarily gives you access to change computer settings. The terminal will ask you for your password. Please see RootSudo for information on using sudo.

    File & Directory Commands

    • pwd: The pwd command will allow you to know in which directory you're located (pwd stands for "print working directory"). Example: "pwd" in the Desktop directory will show "~/Desktop". Note that the Gnome Terminal also displays this information in the title bar of its window.

    • ls: The ls command will show you the files in your current directory. Used with certain options, you can see sizes of files, when files were made, and permissions of files. Example: "ls ~" will show you the files that are in your home directory.

    • cd: The cd command will allow you to change directories. When you open a terminal you will be in your home directory. To move around the file system you will use cd. Examples:

      • To navigate into the root directory, use "cd /"

      • To navigate to your home directory, use "cd" or "cd ~"

      • To navigate up one directory level, use "cd .."

      • To navigate to the previous directory (or back), use "cd -"

      • To navigate through multiple levels of directory at once, specify the full directory path that you want to go to. For example, use, "cd /var/www" to go directly to the /www subdirectory of /var/. As another example, "cd ~/Desktop" will move you to the Desktop subdirectory inside your home directory.

    • cp: The cp command will make a copy of a file for you. Example: "cp file foo" will make a exact copy of "file" and name it "foo", but the file "file" will still be there. If you are copying a directory, you must use "cp -r directory foo" (copy recursively).

    • mv: The mv command will move a file to a different location or will rename a file. Examples are as follows: "mv file foo" will rename the file "file" to "foo". "mv foo ~/Desktop" will move the file "foo" to your Desktop directory but will not rename it. You must specify a new file name to rename a file.
      • To save on typing, you can substitute '~' in place of the home directory.

      • Note that if you are using mv with sudo you can use the ~ shortcut, because the terminal expands the ~ to your home directory. However, when you open a root shell with sudo -i or sudo -s, ~ will refer to the root account's home directory, not your own.

    • rm: Use this command to remove or delete a file in your directory.

    • rmdir: The rmdir command will delete an empty directory. To delete a directory and all of its contents recursively, use rm -r instead.

    • mkdir: The mkdir command will allow you to create directories. Example: "mkdir music" will create a directory called "music".

    • man: The man command is used to show you the manual of other commands. Try "man man" to get the man page for man itself. See the "Man & Getting Help" section down the page for more information.

    System Information Commands

    • df: The df command displays filesystem disk space usage for all mounted partitions. "df -h" is probably the most useful - it uses megabytes (M) and gigabytes (G) instead of blocks to report. (-h means "human-readable")

    • du: The du command displays the disk usage for a directory. It can either display the space used for all subdirectories or the total for the directory you run it on. Example:
    user@users-desktop:~$ du /media/floppy
    1032    /media/floppy/files
    1036    /media/floppy/
    user@users-desktop:~$ du -sh /media/floppy
    1.1M    /media/floppy/

    • -s means "Summary" and -h means "Human Readable"

    • free: The free command displays the amount of free and used memory in the system. "free -m" will give the information using megabytes, which is probably most useful for current computers.

    • top: The top command displays information on your Linux system, running processes and system resources, including CPU, RAM & swap usage and total number of tasks being run. To exit top, press "q".

    • uname -a: The uname command with the -a option prints all system information, including machine name, kernel name & version, and a few other details. Most useful for checking which kernel you're using.

    • lsb_release -a: The lsb_release command with the -a option prints version information for the Linux release you're running, for example:
    user@computer:~$ lsb_release -a
    No LSB modules are available.
    Distributor ID: Ubuntu
    Description:    Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
    Release:        6.06
    Codename:       dapper

    • ifconfig reports on your system's network interfaces.

    Adding A New User

    • "adduser newuser" command will create a new general user called "newuser" on your system, and to assign a password for the newuser account use "passwd newuser".


    The default behaviour for a command may usually be modified by adding a --option to the command. The ls command for example has an -s option so that "ls -s" will include file sizes in the listing. There is also a -h option to get those sizes in a "human readable" format.
    Options can be grouped in clusters so "ls -sh" is exactly the same command as "ls -s -h". Most options have a long version, prefixed with two dashes instead of one, so even "ls --size --human-readable" is the same command.

    "Man" and getting help

    /!\ man command, info command and command --help are the most important tools at the command line.
    Nearly every command and application in Linux will have a man (manual) file, so finding them is as simple as typing "man "command"" to bring up a longer manual entry for the specified command. For example, "man mv" will bring up the mv (Move) manual.
    Move up and down the man file with the arrow keys, and quit back to the command prompt with "q".
    "man man" will bring up the manual entry for the man command, which is a good place to start!
    "man intro" is especially useful - it displays the "Introduction to user commands" which is a well-written, fairly brief introduction to the Linux command line.
    There are also info pages, which are generally more in-depth than man pages. Try "info info" for the introduction to info pages.
    Some software developers prefer info to man (for instance, GNU developers), so if you find a very widely used command or app that doesn't have a man page, it's worth checking for an info page.
    Virtually all commands understand the -h (or --help) option which will produce a short usage description of the command and it's options, then exit back to the command prompt. Try "man -h" or "man --help" to see this in action.
    Caveat: It's possible (but rare) that a program doesn't understand the -h option to mean help. For this reason, check for a man or info page first, and try the long option --help before -h.

    Searching for man files

    If you aren't sure which command or application you need to use, you can try searching the man files.

    • man -k foo will search the man files for foo. Try "man -k nautilus" to see how this works.

      • Note that this is the same as doing apropos command.

    • man -f foo searches only the titles of your system's man files. Try "man -f gnome", for example.

      • Note that this is the same as doing whatis command.

    Other Useful Things

    Prettier Manual Pages

    Users who have Konqueror installed will be pleased to find they can read and search man pages in a web browser context, prettified with their chosen desktop fonts and a little colour, by visiting man:/command in Konqueror's address bar. Some people might find this lightens the load if there's lots of documentation to read/search.

    Pasting in commands

    Often, you will be referred to instructions that require commands to be pasted into the terminal. You might be wondering why the text you've copied from a web page using ctrl+C won't paste in with ctrl+V. Surely you don't have to type in all those nasty commands and filenames? Relax. Middle Button Click on your mouse (both buttons simultaneously on a two-button mouse) or Right Click and select Paste from the menu.

    Save on typing

    Up Arrow or ctrl+p
    Scrolls through the commands you've entered previously.

    Down Arrow or ctrl+n
    Takes you back to a more recent command.

    When you have the command you want.

    A very useful feature. It autocompletes any commands or filenames, if there's only one option, or else gives you a list of options.

    Searches for commands you've already typed. When you have entered a very long, complex command and need to repeat it, using this key combination and then typing a portion of the command will search through your command history. When you find it, simply press Enter.

    The history command shows a very long list of commands that you have typed. Each command is displayed next to a number. You can type !x to execute a previously typed command from the list (replace the X with a number). If you history output is too long, then use history | less for a scrollable list.

    Change the text

    The mouse won't work. Use the Left/Right arrow keys to move around the line.
    When the cursor is where you want it in the line, typing inserts text - ie it doesn't overtype what's already there.
    ctrl+a or Home
    Moves the cursor to the start of a line.

    ctrl+e or End
    Moves the cursor to the end of a line.

    Moves to the beginning of the previous or current word.

    Deletes from the current cursor position to the end of the line.

    Deletes the whole of the current line.

    Deletes the word before the cursor.

    More ways to run a terminal

    You can also get it with a function key
    You can run more than one - in tabs or separate windows

    More Information

    • AptGetHowto - using apt-get to install packages from the command line.

    • Commandline Repository Editing - adding the Universe/Multiverse repositories through the command line.

    • grep Howto - grep is a powerful command line search tool.

    • find Howto - locate files on the command line.

    • CommandlineHowto - longer and more complete than this basic guide, but still unfinished.

    • HowToReadline - information on some more advanced customization for the command line.
    For more detailed tutorials on the Linux command line, please see:

    Welcome to Rails.. Rails... Rails !

    In 1995, I started the popular Clipper...Clipper... Clipper website (no blogs then) which was very popular and linked by virtually every Clipper-related site. When I switched to Windows via Delphi in 1997, I started the Delphi... Delphi... Delphi site. In June 2007, I discovered Ruby on Rails and no prize for guessing what I am gonna name this blog. which I started on 2nd October 2007.

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    10th June 2010, 19:42