Sunday, August 30, 2009

Rails Basics : How to Install a Plugin from the Command Line ?

Although Aptana Radrails and other Rails IDE usually have a Rails Plugin Tab or its equivalent, I personally feel that it easier and more flexible to do so using the Command Line.

To do so in Ubuntu 9.04, click Applications/Accessories/Terminal to open a terminal window and cd to the root of your Rails Project as follows :-

chee@ibm4linux:~$ cd workspace
chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace$ cd crm2009

chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm2009$ script/plugin install

To discover the various options available in script/plugin

chee@ibm4linux:~/workspace/crm2009$ script/plugin --
Unknown command:
Usage: plugin [OPTIONS] command
Rails plugin manager.
  -r, --root=DIR                   Set an explicit rails app directory.
                                   Default: /home/chee/workspace/crm2009
  -s, --source=URL1,URL2           Use the specified plugin repositories instead of the defaults.
  -v, --verbose                    Turn on verbose output.
  -h, --help                       Show this help message.
  discover   Discover plugin repositories.
  list       List available plugins.
  install    Install plugin(s) from known repositories or URLs.
  update     Update installed plugins.
  remove     Uninstall plugins.
  source     Add a plugin source repository.
  unsource   Remove a plugin repository.
  sources    List currently configured plugin repositories.

  Install a plugin:
    plugin install continuous_builder

  Install a plugin from a subversion URL:
    plugin install

  Install a plugin from a git URL:
    plugin install git://

  Install a plugin and add a svn:externals entry to vendor/plugins
    plugin install -x continuous_builder

  List all available plugins:
    plugin list

  List plugins in the specified repository:
    plugin list --source=

  Discover and prompt to add new repositories:
    plugin discover

  Discover new repositories but just list them, don't add anything:
    plugin discover -l

  Add a new repository to the source list:
    plugin source

  Remove a repository from the source list:
    plugin unsource

  Show currently configured repositories:
    plugin sources

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In 1995, I started the popular Clipper...Clipper... Clipper website (no blogs then) which was very popular and linked by virtually every Clipper-related site. When I switched to Windows via Delphi in 1997, I started the Delphi... Delphi... Delphi site. In June 2007, I discovered Ruby on Rails and no prize for guessing what I am gonna name this blog. which I started on 2nd October 2007.

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10th June 2010, 19:42