Sunday, October 7, 2007

Active Scaffold : Roll your own form_ui ?

In the trunk version or the soon-to-be released 1.1 release, we can configure columns, on a per controller basis, such as :select, :calendar, :textarea and :checkbox but what about :text_input ?

Previously, to control the width of a given text-input column, I had to put in the helper something like this either in application.rb or controller_helper.rb

def faq_form_column(record, input_name)
text_field_tag('record[faq]', @record.faq, { :autocomplete => "off", :size => 60, :class => 'text-input'})

Now, I can do this :-

config.columns[:biz_name].options = { :autocomplete => "off", :size => 30, :class => 'text-input'}

config.columns[:biz_name].form_ui = :tex-input

How is this done ? Simple, just add this method once in applcation_helper.rb

def active_scaffold_input_tex-input(column, options)
text_field :record,, options

Yes, you can roll your own form.ui :-)


Unknown said...


I tried your code above to control the length of a text input field but I do not seem to be coming right.

I had to firstly modify the application helper as text-input is not picked up.

def active_scaffold_input_text_input(column, options)
text_field :record,, options

Also in the controller I had to modify :text-input to :text_input otherwise it throws an error.

config.columns[:firstname].options = { :autocomplete => "off", :size => 10, :class => 'text-input'}
config.columns[:firstname].form_ui = :text_input

Maybe I don't see the big picture.
Anyway if you can help me I will really really appreciate it.

Uncle Mike

Unknown said...

Hi, any updates on this sample? Have the same problems as Uncle Mike and seems this article is the single one describing how to customize active scaffold in this way.

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