Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rails IDE : Why is 3rdRail Unique ?

This is quoted verbatim from a response to post I made in the CodeGear 3rd Rail Public News Group.

CCH: As I delve deeper into eclipse-based IDEs such as 3rdRail & Radrails, I began to realise that a lot of features that developers rave about are actually from Eclipse. I am planning to write an impartial article (at > on why 3rdRail is so special, which I believe to be true to a certain degree. As such, I would appreciate it if you list the non-eclipse features that truly distinguishes 3rdRail from other IDEs .

Joe McGlyn, Director of Product Development, CodeGear :

Top level features:
- Rails Explorer
- Project Commander
- Ruby console
- Rails console
- Dependency view
- Rails refactorings (NB claims to have refactorings for views and actions, but it fails in every test case I've tried)
- Solid code completion (FWIW, I get a null pointer exception in RadRails M7 in nearly every test case on code completion -- not template completion)
- Context-aware templates (template expansion only shows templates for the current Rails context so you don't see view templates in a controller for example)
- "open associate" navigation according to Rails' dispatch rules

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10th June 2010, 19:42