Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rails IDE : Aptana Radrails M7 Beta - Best Way To Upgrade

Just upgraded smoothly to long overdue Aptana M7 Beta which was released on 25/9/2007.

FYI, the best way to upgrade from July's M5 (M6 was skipped) is as follows :-

1) Click Help/Software Upgrades/Final and Install

2) Manually adding the following remote update site to the update manager: http://update.aptana.com/update/rails/beta/3.2/site.xml
Nb. Name the new remote site as say "Aptana M7 Update"

3) If you have any issue after upgrading, you could try to reinstall as follows :-
1) Remove the Aptana folder under C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents (if any)
2) Uninstall Aptana from Control Panel
3) Install from Aptana_IDE_Setup.msi
4) Goto Help\Software Updates\Find and Install
5) Accept the default Search for new features to install
6) Check Aptana M7 Beta and click Finish

This article was first posted on 28th September 2007, 10:48pm on the Ruby on Rails:Talk Google Group

Update on 4th October 2007

This is what I did to get a clean installation of RadRails
1) Uninstall va control panel
2) Delete Documents and Settings\username\mydocuments\Aptana Beta folder which contains the meta data
3) Remove the Programs\Aptana direcory
4) Install Aptana_IDE_setup.msi

Nb. You may want to chose custom and select to install JRE 1.6
I believe this is the source of your null pointer issue

5) Using Plugins Manager or Find and Install Software, install
- Radrails M7 Beta
- Subclipse

That's it

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